Overview of existing and planned definitions:
Panel recommendations |
CCI1 |
CCI2 |
CCI3 |
*Vulnerability |
Vulnerability |
Complementary, subsidiary and competitive resources across life domains |
Meso level |
Resources : - personal, - social, - economic - distribution - complementarity - competition |
Meso level |
Life course |
Spillover and cross over effects across life domains |
Social capital |
Reserves * Constitution : passive and active * Activation, depletion and reconstitution * Threshold
Mixed methods
*Processes, *mechanisms, programs |
Processes, mechanisms, programs |
Coping |
Cumulative (dis)advantages |
Multilevel (data and models)
Resources |
Interdependencies across life course dimensions (linking resources across levels, contexts, over time) |
Resilience |
Stress and stressors * Transactional approach of stress *Sociological approach of stress |
Longitudinal Data (par ex., retrospective and prospective)
Social capital |
Trajectories |
Recovery |
Employability |
Missing data
*Gender regimes |
Life Events |
Career development |
Family ties |
Inter/multi/trans-disciplinary |
*Resources (*personal, *social, *economic, etc.), *reserves, capabilities |
Transition-bifurcation |
*Employability, career development |
Help and Testing