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Overview of existing and planned notions:

Panel recommendations CORE CCI1 CCI2 CCI3 CCI4
*Vulnerability (*and how this had changed over the course of the project) Vulnerability (and how this had changed over the course of the project) Resources distribution Resources (personal, social, economic, etc.) Causality
Meso level Life Course Resources complementarity Capitals Mixed methods
*Processes, *mechanisms, programs (ne pas traiter?) Processes, mechanisms, programs Resources competition Reserves
* Constitution : passive and active
* Activation, depletion and reconstitution
* Threshold
Multilevel (data and models)
*Processes, *mechanisms, programs (ne pas traiter?) Interdependencies across life course dimensions (linking resources across levels, contexts, over time) Complementary, subsidiary and competitive resources across life domains Longitudinal data (par ex., retrospective and prospective)
Social capital, social networks and social groups (IP1, IP5) (Ehsan et al) Trajectories/transitions/bifurcations Spillover and cross over across life domains Missing data
*Gendered patterns or gender configurations or gender regimes (IP5, IP6) Life Events Synergies and conflicts among life domains Depletion when facing a critical life event
*Family ties (IP5) Inter/multi/trans-disciplinary Coping Reconstitution after depletion
*Resources (*personal, *social, *economic, etc.), *reserves (avec IP1 et IP3), *capabilities Resilience
*Employability, *occupational vulnerabilities, *career development (IP7, IP4) Recovery Trajectories
Cumulative (dis)advantages
Stress and stressors
* Transactional approach of stress
Sociological approach of stress: social origin of stress and stress proliferation
Career development